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Inspire™ C18 & C8

Inspire™ C18 & C8 Columns 은 HPLC 컬럼입니다. 

• Rapid separations with outstanding resolution

• Advanced bonding technologies

• High efficiency and outstanding lifetime

• Excellent separation characteristics over wide pH range

• Superior batch-to-batch reproducibility

• Choose from a variety of phases and hardware formats

Inspire™ columns are engineered with high purity raw silica, proprietary bonding techniques, tightly controlled manufacturing

processes, and column packing procedures that provide today’s chromatographic laboratories with HPLC columns of unrivaled


About Dikma HPLC Columns

Dikma has over 20 years of R&D experience in HPLC columns. Dikma HPLC columns have been widely used by

pharmaceutical manufacturers. We offer columns of ultimate performance and maximum versatility to address the

challenges and increasing needs of today’s chromatographic laboratories.

The quality of packing material is the basis for all good chromatographic separation. Dikma is in a unique position to

control the manufacturing process from start to finish, from making the high-purity (99.999%) raw silica to applying

different bonding chemistries. Furthermore, to ensure the high performance and robustness of our columns, we

maintain tight specifications during all stages of the manufacturing process and follow rigid, audited ISO 9001

procedures to guarantee reproducible products. The end results that get delivered to you are columns that perform

at their best, and offer you highly reproducible batch-to-batch results without alteration of HPLC conditions.

Dikma silica of ultra-purity and incredible smoothness

Dikma silica is extremely pure (99.999%) and free of metals. Meticulous care is given to the quality control of surface

smoothness, particle shape uniformity, pore structure and pore consistency to ensure uniformity of particle structure

and enhanced mechanical strength. Low percentages of fines from damaged silica particles strengthen the column

bed, leading to low backpressure and enhanced column performance and lifetime.


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